The Mysterious Case of IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager: Why It Doesn’t Shrink Its Children
Image by Tegan -

The Mysterious Case of IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager: Why It Doesn’t Shrink Its Children

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As developers, we’ve all been there – stuck in a never-ending loop of frustration, trying to figure out why our lovely GridLayoutManager just won’t cooperate. You’ve set up your layout, added your children, and… nothing. They just won’t shrink. It’s as if they’re defying the laws of physics and ignoring your carefully crafted layout parameters. But fear not, dear reader, for today we shall embark on a quest to unravel the mystery of IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager and its seemingly stubborn refusal to shrink its children.

What’s Going On?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s happening behind the scenes. The GridLayoutManager is a powerful tool in the Android development world, allowing us to create complex, grid-based layouts with ease. However, its default behavior can sometimes lead to unexpected results, especially when it comes to shrinking children.

The GridLayoutManager uses a combination of layout parameters, such as span sizes, row and column indices, and other settings to determine the size and position of its children. When you set the layout_width or layout_height of a child to “wrap_content”, you’re essentially telling the GridLayoutManager to adjust the size of the child based on its content. But what happens when you want the child to shrink? That’s where things get complicated.

The Problem: Default Behavior

By default, the GridLayoutManager will not shrink its children, even when you’ve set the layout_width or layout_height to “wrap_content”. This is because the GridLayoutManager is designed to allocate space based on the maximum size of its children, rather than their actual content size. This means that if you have a child with a large maximum size, the GridLayoutManager will allocate space accordingly, even if the child’s actual content is much smaller.

But why, you ask? Well, it’s due to the way the GridLayoutManager calculates the available space for its children. When you set the layout_width or layout_height to “wrap_content”, the GridLayoutManager will use the child’s maximum size as the available space, rather than its actual content size. This means that if you have a child with a large maximum size, the GridLayoutManager will allocate space for that child, even if it’s not actually using it.

Solution Time!

Now that we understand the problem, it’s time to find a solution. There are a few ways to get the GridLayoutManager to shrink its children, but we’ll focus on the most common and effective approaches.

One way to get the GridLayoutManager to shrink its children is by using the layout_constrainedWidth and layout_constrainedHeight attributes. These attributes allow you to specify a maximum width or height for a child, while still allowing it to shrink based on its content.

Here’s an example:



        <!-- Your child views here -->



By setting layout_constrainedWidth and layout_constrainedHeight to “true”, you’re telling the GridLayoutManager to constrain the child’s width and height based on its content, rather than its maximum size. This allows the child to shrink based on its actual content, rather than its maximum size.

Another approach is to create a custom GridLayoutManager that overrides the default behavior. This method is a bit more involved, but it gives you complete control over how the GridLayoutManager allocates space to its children.

Here’s an example:

public class CustomGridLayoutManager extends GridLayoutManager {
    public CustomGridLayoutManager(Context context, int spanCount) {
        super(context, spanCount);

    public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
        int totalSpace = getWidth();
        int spanCount = getSpanCount();

        int childCount = getItemCount();
        int[] maxWidths = new int[spanCount];
        int[] maxHeightes = new int[spanCount];

        // Calculate the maximum width and height for each span
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            View child = recycler.getViewForPosition(i);
            measureChild(child, 0, 0);
            int width = child.getMeasuredWidth();
            int height = child.getMeasuredHeight();

            int spanIndex = getSpanIndex(i, spanCount);
            maxWidths[spanIndex] = Math.max(maxWidths[spanIndex], width);
            maxHeightes[spanIndex] = Math.max(maxHeightes[spanIndex], height);

        // Allocate space to each child based on its content
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            View child = recycler.getViewForPosition(i);
            int width = maxWidths[getSpanIndex(i, spanCount)];
            int height = maxHeightes[getSpanIndex(i, spanCount)];

            layoutDecorated(child, 0, 0, width, height);

    private int getSpanIndex(int position, int spanCount) {
        return position % spanCount;

In this example, we’re overriding the onLayoutChildren method to calculate the maximum width and height for each span, and then allocating space to each child based on its content. This approach gives you complete control over how the GridLayoutManager allocates space to its children, but it requires more code and complexity.


In conclusion, IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager not shrinking its children can be a frustrating problem, but it’s not unsolvable. By using the layout_constrainedWidth and layout_constrainedHeight attributes, or creating a custom GridLayoutManager, you can get the GridLayoutManager to shrink its children based on their content. Remember to always consider the maximum size of your children when using the GridLayoutManager, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your layout parameters. Happy coding!

Method Description
Using layout_constrainedWidth and layout_constrainedHeight Sets a maximum width or height for a child, while still allowing it to shrink based on its content.
Creating a Custom GridLayoutManager Overrides the default behavior of the GridLayoutManager, giving you complete control over how it allocates space to its children.

By following these methods, you’ll be well on your way to taming the GridLayoutManager and getting it to behave as you want. Remember to test and iterate on your layout, and don’t be afraid to try new approaches. Happy coding!

  • Use layout_constrainedWidth and layout_constrainedHeight to constrain the child’s width and height.
  • Create a custom GridLayoutManager to override the default behavior.
  • Consider the maximum size of your children when using the GridLayoutManager.
  • Test and iterate on your layout to achieve the desired result.

And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to getting IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager to shrink its children. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to creating complex, grid-based layouts that behave as you want. Happy coding, and may the layout force be with you!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager doesn’t shrink its children” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager!

Why does IntelliJ’s GridLayoutManager ignore my pleas to shrink its children?

This pesky issue occurs when the `GridLayoutManager` is not told to auto-measure its children. You need to set `setAutoMeasureEnabled(true)` on your `GridLayoutManager` to allow it to adjust its size based on the content. Phew, crisis averted!

What’s the deal with GridLayoutManager not respecting my layout params?

TheGridLayoutManager ignores layout params when it’s not given enough freedom to manage its children. Try setting `layoutparams.width = 0` and `layoutparams.height = 0` to allow the manager to take control. This should fix the issue and make your layout params respected again!

How can I make GridLayoutManager wrap its content?

Easy peasy! Just set `setWrapContents(true)` on your `GridLayoutManager` and it will magically wrap its content. Remember, this only works when you’ve set `setAutoMeasureEnabled(true)` too. Now, go forth and wrap those contents like a pro!

Why are my GridLayoutManager children not evenly distributed?

Ouch, uneven distribution can be a real pain! To fix this, you need to set `setSpanSizeLookup()` on your `GridLayoutManager` and define a span size lookup strategy. This will ensure your children are evenly distributed across the grid. Happy coding!

Can I use GridLayoutManager with other layout managers?

The answer is yes! You can combine GridLayoutManager with other layout managers to create a hybrid layout. For example, you can use a LinearLayoutManager inside a GridLayout to create a scrolling grid. Get creative and explore the possibilities!