To Fetch Bytes Sent/Received per Sec for Particular Application: A Comprehensive Guide
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To Fetch Bytes Sent/Received per Sec for Particular Application: A Comprehensive Guide

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As a developer, network administrator, or simply a tech enthusiast, have you ever wondered how to monitor the performance of a specific application in terms of bytes sent and received per second? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of network monitoring and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to fetch bytes sent/received per sec for a particular application.

Why Monitor Bytes Sent/Received per Sec?

In today’s digital age, understanding the performance of your applications is crucial. By monitoring bytes sent and received per second, you can:

  • Identify bottlenecks in your network or application
  • Optimize resource allocation for better performance
  • Troubleshoot issues and debug your code
  • Improve overall user experience

Method 1: Using the `netstat` Command

The `netstat` command is a built-in utility in most operating systems that allows you to display active network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.

netstat -p  | grep Bytes

Replace `` with the port number used by your application. This will display the total number of bytes sent and received for the specified port.

Example Output

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0  localhost:8080       *:*               LISTEN      1234/node
  Bytes Sent: 3456789
  Bytes Received: 1234567

Method 2: Using the `ss` Command

The `ss` command is another powerful tool for displaying network socket statistics.

ss -p | grep Bytes

This command displays a summary of socket statistics, including the number of bytes sent and received for each protocol.

Example Output

State      Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port                Peer Address:Port
LISTEN     0      100    localhost:8080                  *:*               users:(("node",pid=1234,fd=10))
     Bytes Sent: 3456789
     Bytes Received: 1234567

Method 3: Using `tcpdump` with `Wireshark`

`tcpdump` is a powerful command-line packet analyzer that can capture and display network traffic. When combined with `Wireshark`, you can visualize and analyze the captured data.

tcpdump -i any -n -vv -s 0 -c 100 -W 100 port  | wireshark -

Replace `` with the port number used by your application. This command captures the first 100 packets on the specified port and pipes the output to `Wireshark` for analysis.

Example Output

Packet # Time Source Destination Protocol Info
1 00:00:00.000000 localhost localhost TCP 3456789 bytes sent
2 00:00:00.000001 localhost localhost TCP 1234567 bytes received

Method 4: Using `nethogs`

`nethogs` is a terminal-based network traffic monitoring tool that displays real-time bandwidth usage per process.


Run the command and press the `m` key to switch to the `Monitor` mode. This will display a list of running processes, along with their corresponding bandwidth usage.

Example Output

NetHogs version 0.8.5

  PID USER    PROGRAM                                  DEV        SENT      RECEIVED
1234 user    node         eth0         3456789 B/sec    1234567 B/sec

Method 5: Using a Programming Language (Python Example)

If you prefer a more programmatic approach, you can use a programming language like Python to fetch bytes sent and received per second for a particular application.

import psutil

# Get the process ID of the application
pid = 1234

# Get the network I/O statistics for the process
io_stats = psutil.Process(pid).io_counters()

# Calculate the bytes sent and received per second
bytes_sent = io_stats.bytes_sent / 1024
bytes_received = io_stats.bytes_recv / 1024

print(f"Bytes Sent: {bytes_sent:.2f} KB/sec")
print(f"Bytes Received: {bytes_received:.2f} KB/sec")

Replace `1234` with the process ID of your application. This script uses the `psutil` library to retrieve the network I/O statistics for the process and calculates the bytes sent and received per second.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored five methods to fetch bytes sent/received per sec for a particular application. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a network administrator, these methods provide you with the tools and knowledge to monitor and optimize your application’s performance.

Remember, monitoring bytes sent and received per second is just the beginning. By diving deeper into network monitoring and performance analysis, you can unlock new insights and take your application to the next level.

Happy monitoring!

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, check out the following resources:

  1. Netstat Wikipedia Page
  2. SS Command Wikipedia Page
  3. Tcpdump Wireshark Documentation
  4. Nethogs GitHub Repository
  5. Psutil Network I/O Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to dive into the world of network monitoring and unleash the secrets of fetching bytes sent and received per second for a particular application!

What is the primary purpose of monitoring bytes sent and received per second for an application?

The primary purpose is to measure the network performance and bandwidth usage of the application, ensuring it’s optimized for efficient data transfer and troubleshooting any potential issues.

Which tool is commonly used to fetch bytes sent and received per second for an application?

One popular tool for this task is `nethogs`, a command-line utility that allows you to monitor network bandwidth usage per process or application.

How does `nethogs` fetch bytes sent and received per second for an application?

`nethogs` uses the `libpcap` library to capture network packets and then calculates the bytes sent and received per second based on the packet data.

What are some other tools that can be used to fetch bytes sent and received per second for an application?

Some other tools that can be used for this purpose are `iftop`, `iptraf`, and `tcptrack`. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, but they all provide valuable insights into network bandwidth usage.

What are some common use cases for monitoring bytes sent and received per second for an application?

Common use cases include troubleshooting network performance issues, optimizing application performance, and identifying potential security threats or data leaks.