Jacoco @Generated annotation is not excluding class with methods having anonymous class: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Tegan - hkhazo.biz.id

Jacoco @Generated annotation is not excluding class with methods having anonymous class: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re a Java developer who has been using Jacoco for code coverage analysis, you might have stumbled upon a peculiar issue: the @Generated annotation not excluding classes with methods containing anonymous classes. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Jacoco and explore the reasons behind this behavior, along with practical solutions to overcome it.

What is Jacoco and why do we need it?

Jacoco is a popular open-source tool for measuring code coverage in Java applications. It provides detailed reports on line, branch, and method coverage, helping developers identify areas of their code that need improvement. With Jacoco, you can:

  • Identify untested code
  • Optimize test suites
  • Improve code quality
  • Meet industry standards for code coverage

The @Generated annotation: A brief overview

The @Generated annotation is a metadata annotation introduced in Java 6, indicating that the annotated element (class, method, or field) was generated by a tool. This annotation is commonly used to exclude generated code from code analysis tools, including Jacoco.

public class MyClass {
    // generated code

The problem: @Generated annotation not excluding classes with methods having anonymous classes

When using the @Generated annotation to exclude classes with generated code, you might encounter an issue where classes containing methods with anonymous classes are not excluded from code coverage analysis. This is because Jacoco’s annotation processor doesn’t correctly handle anonymous classes within methods.

Here’s an example:

public class MyClass {
    public void myMethod() {
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // some code

In this example, the MyClass class has a method myMethod() containing an anonymous class (Runnable implementation). Although the class is annotated with @Generated, Jacoco will still include it in the code coverage report.

Why does this happen?

The reason behind this behavior lies in how Jacoco processes the @Generated annotation. When Jacoco encounters an annotated class, it skips analyzing the class itself, but not its inner classes or anonymous classes within methods. This means that the anonymous class within myMethod() is still analyzed, even though the containing class is annotated with @Generated.

Solutions: Excluding classes with methods having anonymous classes

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore some solutions to exclude classes with methods containing anonymous classes from Jacoco code coverage analysis:

Solution 1: Use Jacoco’s built-in ignore annotation

Jacoco provides an @JacocoIgnore annotation to explicitly exclude classes, methods, or fields from code coverage analysis. You can use this annotation to exclude the entire class or just the method containing the anonymous class:

public class MyClass {
    public void myMethod() {
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                // some code

Solution 2: Use Jacoco’s configuration file

Jacoco allows you to specify exclusion patterns in a configuration file (jacoco.xml). You can add patterns to exclude classes or methods containing anonymous classes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Solution 3: Use Maven’s Jacoco plugin configuration

If you’re using Maven, you can configure the Jacoco plugin to exclude classes or methods using the excludes parameter:


To avoid issues with the @Generated annotation, follow these best practices:

  1. Use the @Generated annotation consistently across your codebase.
  2. Avoid using the @Generated annotation on classes with methods containing anonymous classes.
  3. Use Jacoco’s built-in ignore annotation or configuration file to exclude classes or methods explicitly.
  4. Document your usage of the @Generated annotation and exclusion patterns to ensure consistency across the team.


In this article, we’ve explored the issue of Jacoco’s @Generated annotation not excluding classes with methods containing anonymous classes. We’ve discussed the reasons behind this behavior and provided three solutions to overcome it. By following best practices and using the right techniques, you can ensure accurate code coverage analysis and maintain high-quality code. Remember to stay vigilant and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of Java development tools and best practices.

Keyword Description
Jacoco A popular open-source tool for measuring code coverage in Java applications.
@Generated annotation A metadata annotation indicating that the annotated element was generated by a tool.
Anonymous class A class defined within a method or block, without a declared name.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them below. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Jacoco @Generated annotation has been a burning topic in the coding community, and we’re here to demystify it for you!

Q1: What is the purpose of Jacoco @Generated annotation?

The Jacoco @Generated annotation is used to mark classes or methods that are generated by a tool, such as Lombok or AspectJ. This annotation helps Jacoco (a code coverage tool) to exclude these generated classes or methods from the code coverage report, as they are not part of the original code written by the developer.

Q2: Why is Jacoco @Generated annotation not excluding classes with methods having anonymous classes?

The Jacoco @Generated annotation only excludes classes or methods that are directly annotated with @Generated. If a class has methods with anonymous classes, the anonymous classes are not directly annotated with @Generated. Therefore, Jacoco does not exclude them from the code coverage report.

Q3: How can I exclude classes with methods having anonymous classes from Jacoco code coverage report?

You can use the `includes` and `excludes` configuration options in Jacoco to manually specify which classes or methods to include or exclude from the code coverage report. For example, you can use the `excludes` option to exclude classes that contain anonymous classes.

Q4: Are there any limitations to using Jacoco @Generated annotation?

Yes, there are some limitations to using Jacoco @Generated annotation. For example, it only works for classes or methods that are directly annotated with @Generated. If a class has methods with anonymous classes, or if the generated code is complex and cannot be easily annotated, the @Generated annotation may not be effective.

Q5: What are some best practices for using Jacoco @Generated annotation?

Some best practices for using Jacoco @Generated annotation include using it consistently throughout your codebase, annotating generated classes and methods explicitly, and using it in combination with other Jacoco configuration options to fine-tune the code coverage report.

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