Mastering the Yaml Manual Approval Step in Jobs.Template: A Comprehensive Guide
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Mastering the Yaml Manual Approval Step in Jobs.Template: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to this in-depth tutorial on incorporating the Yaml manual approval step in your jobs.template. In today’s fast-paced development environments, automating tasks is crucial, but sometimes human intervention is necessary to ensure quality and accuracy. That’s where the Yaml manual approval step comes in – a powerful feature that allows you to inject human judgment into your workflows. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Yaml manual approval and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to implement it in your jobs.template.

What is the Yaml Manual Approval Step?

The Yaml manual approval step is a feature in jobs.template that enables you to pause a pipeline and await human approval before proceeding. This step is particularly useful in scenarios where automated checks are insufficient, and human judgment is necessary to validate the output. By incorporating the Yaml manual approval step, you can ensure that critical decisions are made with precision and accuracy.

Benefits of the Yaml Manual Approval Step

The Yaml manual approval step offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Improved accuracy: Human intervention ensures that critical decisions are made with precision and accuracy.
  • Enhanced quality: The manual approval step allows for quality checks that go beyond automated tests.
  • Increased security: By adding an extra layer of human approval, you can reduce the risk of unauthorized changes or deployments.
  • Flexibility: The Yaml manual approval step can be customized to fit your specific workflow needs.

Implementing the Yaml Manual Approval Step in Jobs.Template

To implement the Yaml manual approval step in your jobs.template, follow these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Define the Manual Approval Step in Your Yaml File

In your jobs.template file, add the following code to define the manual approval step:

  - name: manual-approval
    type: approval
    description: "Please review the changes before proceeding"
    timeout: 30m

In this example, we’ve defined a manual approval step named “manual-approval” with a description and a timeout of 30 minutes. You can customize these settings to fit your specific needs.

Step 2: Configure the Approval Options

To configure the approval options, add the following code:

  type: manual
  required: true
    - username: "approval-manager"
    - username: "quality-assurance"

In this example, we’ve configured the approval options to require manual approval from the specified users (“approval-manager” and “quality-assurance”). You can add or remove users as needed.

Step 3: Integrate the Manual Approval Step into Your Pipeline

To integrate the manual approval step into your pipeline, add the following code:

    - build
    - deploy

    stage: build
      - echo "Building the application"
      - type: approval
        description: "Please review the build output"

    stage: deploy
      - echo "Deploying the application"
    when: manual_approval

In this example, we’ve integrated the manual approval step into our pipeline, which consists of two stages: build and deploy. The manual approval step is triggered after the build stage, and the deploy stage is only executed when the manual approval is successful.

Best Practices for Using the Yaml Manual Approval Step

To get the most out of the Yaml manual approval step, follow these best practices:

1. Define Clear Approval Criteria

Clearly define the approval criteria to ensure that approvers understand what they need to review and approve. This will help reduce confusion and ensure that approvals are granted correctly.

2. Assign Appropriate Approvers

Assign approvers who have the necessary expertise and knowledge to review and approve the changes. This will ensure that approvals are granted correctly and that critical decisions are made with precision.

3. Set Realistic Timeouts

Set realistic timeouts for the manual approval step to ensure that approvers have sufficient time to review and approve the changes. This will help reduce delays and ensure that the pipeline remains efficient.

4. Use Meaningful Approval Descriptions

Use meaningful approval descriptions to provide context to approvers. This will help them understand what they need to review and approve, reducing confusion and errors.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While implementing the Yaml manual approval step, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue 1: Approver Not Receiving Notifications

If approvers are not receiving notifications, check the following:

  • Ensure that the approver has the necessary permissions to receive notifications.
  • Verify that the notification settings are correctly configured.
  • Check the pipeline logs for any errors or issues.

Issue 2: Approval Step Timing Out

If the approval step is timing out, check the following:

  • Verify that the timeout period is set correctly.
  • Check if there are any delays in the pipeline that may be causing the timeout.
  • Consider increasing the timeout period or optimizing the pipeline to reduce delays.


Incorporating the Yaml manual approval step in your jobs.template is a powerful way to inject human judgment into your workflows. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can implement the manual approval step with ease and ensure that critical decisions are made with precision and accuracy. Remember to follow best practices and troubleshoot common issues to get the most out of this feature.

Feature Benefits Implementation
Yaml Manual Approval Step Improved accuracy, enhanced quality, increased security, and flexibility Define the manual approval step in your Yaml file, configure the approval options, and integrate the step into your pipeline

By mastering the Yaml manual approval step, you’ll be able to create more efficient, accurate, and secure workflows that meet the unique needs of your organization. So why wait? Start implementing the Yaml manual approval step in your jobs.template today and take your pipeline management to the next level!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to demystify the Yaml manual approval step in jobs.template with these frequently asked questions!

What is the purpose of the yaml manual approval step in jobs.template?

The yaml manual approval step in jobs.template allows you to inject human judgment and oversight into your workflow. It enables you to pause a pipeline and require manual approval before proceeding to the next step, ensuring that critical changes or deployments meet necessary standards and criteria.

How does the yaml manual approval step impact my workflow?

The yaml manual approval step halts the pipeline execution until a designated approver grants consent. This allows for a thorough review of the changes, reducing the risk of errors, and ensuring compliance with organizational policies and standards.

Can I customize the yaml manual approval step to fit my specific needs?

Yes, you can tailor the yaml manual approval step to your requirements by specifying the approvers, approval criteria, and even adding custom instructions or comments. This flexibility enables you to adapt the approval process to your unique workflow and organizational needs.

How do I integrate the yaml manual approval step with my existing pipeline?

To integrate the yaml manual approval step, simply add a `manual_approval` section to your `jobs.template` file, specifying the required details such as approvers, approval criteria, and any additional instructions. This will pause the pipeline at the designated point, awaiting manual approval before proceeding.

Are there any best practices for implementing yaml manual approval steps in jobs.template?

Yes, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines for approvers, define explicit approval criteria, and ensure that the approval process is well-documented and communicated to all stakeholders. Additionally, consider implementing automated reminders, notifications, and timeout configurations to streamline the approval process.