Unlock the Power of Azure MetricQueryService: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the URL
Image by Tegan - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Azure MetricQueryService: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the URL

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Are you tired of manually collecting metrics from your Azure resources? Do you want to streamline your monitoring and analytics workflow? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to get the MetricQueryService URL, a game-changing tool that allows you to query and analyze metrics from your Azure resources programmatically.

What is MetricQueryService?

The MetricQueryService is a powerful Azure resource that enables you to query and retrieve metrics from your Azure resources. With MetricQueryService, you can gather insights into your resource usage, performance, and health, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your Azure environment.

Benefits of Using MetricQueryService

  • Automated Metric Collection: Say goodbye to manual metric collection! MetricQueryService allows you to programmatically collect metrics from your Azure resources, saving you time and effort.
  • Real-time Insights: Get instant access to real-time metrics, enabling you to respond quickly to changes in your Azure environment.
  • Customizable Queries: Create tailored queries to retrieve specific metrics, filtering out unnecessary data and focusing on what matters most to your business.
  • Integration with Azure Services: MetricQueryService can be integrated with other Azure services, such as Azure Monitor, Azure Data Explorer, and Azure Storage, to create a seamless monitoring and analytics workflow.

Prerequisites for Getting the MetricQueryService URL

Before we dive into the steps to get the MetricQueryService URL, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Azure Subscription: You need an active Azure subscription to access the MetricQueryService.
  2. Azure Resource: You need an Azure resource, such as a virtual machine, storage account, or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, to query metrics from.
  3. Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell: You’ll need the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell installed on your machine to execute commands and retrieve the MetricQueryService URL.

Getting the MetricQueryService URL: Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that you have the prerequisites in place, let’s get started with getting the MetricQueryService URL:

Step 1: Authenticate with Azure

azure login

Open your terminal or command prompt and execute the command above to authenticate with Azure. Follow the prompts to enter your Azure credentials.

Step 2: Set the Azure Subscription and Resource

azure account set --subscription <subscription_id>
azure account set --resource-group <resource_group_name> --resource-name <resource_name>

Replace ``, ``, and `` with your actual Azure subscription, resource group, and resource names, respectively.

Step 3: Get the Metric Namespace ID

metric_namespace_id=$(az resource show --resource-group <resource_group_name> --resource-type Microsoft.Insights/metrics --name <resource_name> --query "properties.metricNamespace" -o tsv)

This command retrieves the metric namespace ID for your Azure resource. Note down the value returned, as you’ll need it in the next step.

Step 4: Get the MetricQueryService URL

metric_query_service_url=$(az resource show --resource-group <resource_group_name> --resource-type Microsoft.Insights/metricQueryServices --name <metric_namespace_id> --query "properties.queryServiceUrl" -o tsv)

Replace `` with the value you obtained in Step 3. This command retrieves the MetricQueryService URL for your Azure resource. Note down the URL, as you’ll need it to query metrics programmatically.

Example MetricQueryService URL

The MetricQueryService URL typically follows the following format:


Replace ``, ``, ``, and `` with your actual Azure region, subscription ID, resource group name, and metric namespace ID, respectively.

Using the MetricQueryService URL

Now that you have the MetricQueryService URL, you can use it to query metrics programmatically using tools like Azure Data Explorer, Azure Monitor, or your preferred programming language.

curl -X POST \
  https://<region>.monitoring.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricQueryServices/<metric_namespace_id>/query \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query": "Avg(BrowserPageLoadTime)"}'

Replace ``, ``, ``, and `` with your actual MetricQueryService URL. Also, replace `` with a valid Azure access token.

MetricQueryService URL Description
https://<region>.monitoring.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricQueryServices/<metric_namespace_id>/query MetricQueryService URL for querying metrics
https://<region>.monitoring.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricQueryServices/<metric_namespace_id>/metadata MetricQueryService URL for retrieving metadata


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to get the MetricQueryService URL in Azure. With this powerful tool, you can automate metric collection, gain real-time insights, and optimize your Azure environment. Remember to store your MetricQueryService URL securely and use it to query metrics programmatically.

Stay tuned for more Azure tutorials and tips!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck in finding the MetricQueryService URL? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get the URL in no time.

What is the MetricQueryService URL, and why do I need it?

The MetricQueryService URL is a REST endpoint that allows you to query and retrieve metrics data from your Azure Monitor workspace. You need it to fetch metrics data, create custom dashboards, or integrate with other applications. Think of it as the key to unlocking your metrics treasure trove!

How do I find the MetricQueryService URL for my Azure Monitor workspace?

Easy peasy! Go to your Azure Monitor workspace, click on the “Help” icon (looks like a question mark) in the top-right corner, and select “API” from the dropdown menu. Then, click on “Metrics” and scroll down to the “MetricQueryService URL” section. You’ll find the URL there, waiting to be copied and used!

Can I use the same MetricQueryService URL for all my Azure Monitor workspaces?

Nope! Each Azure Monitor workspace has its unique MetricQueryService URL, so you’ll need to retrieve the URL for each workspace separately. Don’t worry, it’s a quick process, and you’ll be up and running in no time!

Do I need any specific permissions to access the MetricQueryService URL?

Yes, you’ll need the “Monitor Metrics Publisher” or “Azure Monitor Metrics Reader” role to access the MetricQueryService URL. If you’re not sure about your permissions, check with your Azure admin or assign the necessary roles to get started!

What is the format of the MetricQueryService URL?

The MetricQueryService URL typically follows this format: https://.ods.opinsights.azure.com/api/v1/query. Replace with your actual Azure Monitor workspace ID, and you’re good to go!