Extract Computed Accessibility Properties from a Facebook Post Element: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Tegan - hkhazo.biz.id

Extract Computed Accessibility Properties from a Facebook Post Element: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As developers, we strive to create an inclusive and accessible online experience for all users. One crucial step in achieving this goal is to extract computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of accessibility and guide you through the process of extracting these properties. Buckle up, folks!

What are Computed Accessibility Properties?

Before we dive into the extraction process, let’s take a step back and understand what computed accessibility properties are. These properties are the actual values of accessibility attributes, such as aria-label, role, and tabindex, that are applied to an HTML element after all styles, scripts, and browser computations have been applied. In other words, they are the final, rendered accessibility attributes that assistive technologies like screen readers use to interpret the element.

Why Extract Computed Accessibility Properties?

Extracting computed accessibility properties is essential for several reasons:

  • Accessibility auditing**: By extracting computed accessibility properties, you can identify potential accessibility issues and ensure that your Facebook post element meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
  • Automated testing**: You can use the extracted properties to automate accessibility testing, reducing manual testing time and increasing test coverage.
  • Enhanced user experience**: By ensuring that your Facebook post element is accessible, you provide an inclusive experience for users with disabilities, improving overall user satisfaction and engagement.

Extracting Computed Accessibility Properties: The Process

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s get to the how. Extracting computed accessibility properties involves using a combination of Chrome DevTools, JavaScript, and the Accessibility Object Model (AOM).

Step 1: Enable Chrome DevTools Accessibility Features

Open Chrome and navigate to the Facebook post element you want to analyze. Press F12 to open Chrome DevTools, then toggle the Elements tab. In the top-right corner of the Elements tab, click the three vertical dots and select More tools > Accessibility.

In the Accessibility tab, enable the following features:

  • Show accessibility information
  • Compute accessibility properties

Step 2: Inspect the Facebook Post Element

In the Elements tab, find the Facebook post element and select it. This will highlight the element in the browser and display its HTML structure in the Elements tab.

Step 3: Get the Accessibility Object

In the Accessibility tab, click the Get accessibility object button. This will retrieve the Accessibility Object Model (AOM) for the selected element.

const aom = await axe.getAccessibilityObject(element);

In the above code snippet, axe is the Accessibility Object Model instance, and element is the Facebook post element.

Step 4: Extract Computed Accessibility Properties

Using the Accessibility Object Model, you can extract computed accessibility properties using the getComputedAccessibilityProperties() method:

const computedProps = await aom.getComputedAccessibilityProperties();

The computedProps object contains the computed accessibility properties for the Facebook post element. You can log this object to the console or use it for further processing.

Computed Accessibility Properties: What to Expect

When extracting computed accessibility properties, you can expect to see a wide range of attributes, including:

Property Description
aria-label The accessible name of the element, used by screen readers.
role The role of the element, indicating its purpose (e.g., button, link, etc.).
tabindex The tabindex value, indicating the element’s focus order.
hidden Indicates whether the element is hidden from screen readers.
disabled Indicates whether the element is disabled and cannot be interacted with.

Best Practices for Accessibility

While extracting computed accessibility properties is essential, it’s equally important to follow best practices for accessibility:

  1. Use semantic HTML elements**: Use HTML elements that provide meaning to the structure of your content, such as <header>, <nav>, and <main>.
  2. Provide alternative text for images**: Ensure that all images have a descriptive alt attribute, enabling screen readers to interpret the image content.
  3. Make interactive elements focusable**: Ensure that interactive elements, such as buttons and links, are focusable and can be navigated using a keyboard.
  4. Test with assistive technologies**: Test your application with assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to ensure that it’s accessible and usable.


Extracting computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element is a crucial step in ensuring an inclusive and accessible online experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can identify and address potential accessibility issues, providing a better user experience for all users. Remember to follow best practices for accessibility and regularly test your application with assistive technologies to ensure that it’s accessible and usable for everyone.

Happy coding, and let’s make the web a more accessible place!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Extract Computed Accessibility properties from a Facebook post element” in the requested format:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on extracting computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element.

What are computed accessibility properties in a Facebook post element?

Computed accessibility properties in a Facebook post element refer to the attributes that are calculated by the browser to determine the accessibility of the element, such as the aria-label, role, and tabindex. These properties are crucial for users with disabilities who rely on assistive technologies to interact with the web.

Why do I need to extract computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element?

Extracting computed accessibility properties helps you identify potential accessibility issues in your Facebook post element, such as missing alt text for images or incorrect ARIA attributes. By doing so, you can ensure that your content is accessible to a wider audience, including users with disabilities.

How do I extract computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element using JavaScript?

You can use the `getComputedStyle()` method in JavaScript to extract computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element. For example, you can use `getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(‘aria-label’)` to retrieve the computed aria-label property value.

Can I use a third-party library to extract computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries available that can help you extract computed accessibility properties from a Facebook post element, such as axe-core or eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y. These libraries provide pre-built functions and rules to identify accessibility issues and extract relevant properties.

What are some common computed accessibility properties that I should prioritize when extracting from a Facebook post element?

Some common computed accessibility properties to prioritize when extracting from a Facebook post element include aria-label, aria-describedby, role, tabindex, and alt text for images. These properties are critical for ensuring that users with disabilities can interact with your content effectively.

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